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GET /v1/schedules.list

List Schedules

This endpoint allows you to get schedules in your workspace.

Query Parameters

searchstringSearch filter for searching the robot by name
pageintegerUsed for pagination
sizeintegerResources per page limit


"ok": true,
"schedules": [{
"id": "893ae870-0816-41b0-9a62-bfbd38ea902b",
"workspace_id": "f9ddef7e-a76c-4b7e-bdcc-8e7d2476a393",
"user_id": "eaec19c5-95fe-441a-b37c-c427c30034a2",
"robot_id": "624609c6-1a27-458f-ace5-3889dc554e28",
"flow_id": "90fb951c-dce6-40e5-9318-08aecb4742d1",
"name": "Test Schedule",
"cron": "0 0/5 * * * *",
"timezone": "(UTC+03:00) Istanbul",
"type": 0,
"active": 1
"total": 1

POST /v1/schedules.create

Create Schedule

This endpoint allows you to create a schedule in your workspace.

Body Parameters

namestringName of the scheduled task
flow_idstringPublished flow id to be schedule to run
robot_idstringProduction robot that will run the flow
timezonestringTimezone value like "Pacific Standard Time"
typeinteger0: minutely, 1: hourly, 2: daily, 3: weekly, 4:monthly, 5: advanced
cronstringUnix-cron string format


"ok": true,
"schedule": {
"id": "4634d201-b0ee-4cad-a587-556d1d5eae47",
"workspace_id": "f9ddef7e-a76c-4b7e-bdcc-8e7d2476a393",
"user_id": "eaec19c5-95fe-441a-b37c-c427c30034a2",
"robot_id": "624609c6-1a27-458f-ace5-3889dc554e28",
"flow_id": "90fb951c-dce6-40e5-9318-08aecb4742d1",
"name": "My Task",
"cron": "0 0/5 * * * *",
"timezone": "(UTC-07:00) Pacific Time (US \u0026 Canada)",
"type": 0,
"active": 1

POST /v1/schedules.update

Update Schedule

This endpoint allows you to update a schedule in your workspace.

Body Parameters

schedule_idstringSchedule id to be updated
namestringName of the scheduled task
flow_idstringPublished flow id to be schedule to run
robot_idstringProduction robot that will run the flow
timezonestringTimezone value like "Pacific Standard Time"
typeinteger0: minutely, 1: hourly, 2: daily, 3: weekly, 4:monthly, 5: advanced
cronstringUnix-cron string format


"ok": true

DELETE /v1/schedules.delete

Delete Schedule

This endpoint allows you to delete a schedule in a workspace.

Body Parameters

schedule_idstringSchedule id to be updated


"ok": true