Get From Clipboard
Retrieves the contents of the clipboard
Common Properties
- Name - The custom name of the node.
- Color - The custom color of the node.
- Delay Before (sec) - Waits in seconds before executing the node.
- Delay After (sec) - Waits in seconds after executing node.
- Continue On Error - Automation will continue regardless of any error. The default value is false.
If the ContinueOnError property is true, no error is caught when the project is executed, even if a Catch node is used.
- Clipboard Data - The text data retrieved from the clipboard.
The node retrieves the string data stored on the clipboard, and outputs it through the Clipboard Data property.
Note: The clipboard is a shared resource and can be accessed concurrently by multiple applications. Hence the data on the clipboard may change before it is retrieved by the node.