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For Each

The "For Each" node sequentially processes each element in the input array. This node features two output ports. The flow proceeds from the top port with each iteration, and once all elements in the array have been processed, the flow then advances from the bottom port. For each iteration, the flow must return to the start of the "For Each" node. To achieve this, you can either directly connect the wires or utilize a Go To / Label pair.

For Each Crossed

Or you can use a Go to Node and a Label to return to the For Each node's input as below:

For Each with Go to

Common Properties

  • Name - The custom name of the node.
  • Color - The custom color of the node.
  • Delay Before (sec) - Waits in seconds before executing the node.
  • Delay After (sec) - Waits in seconds after executing node.
  • Continue On Error - Automation will continue regardless of any error. The default value is false.

If the ContinueOnError property is true, no error is caught when the project is executed even if Catch node is used.


  • Loop through object - Specifies the input array to iterate through.
  • Current Item - The current item name in the loop
  • Current Index - The current index of item in the input array