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Converting number to string?

· 2 min read
Cansel Kahraman
RPA Developer

If you have a variable type of number in your flow, but you need to convert this number to string; You can convert number to string by using 'To String' node of ‘Number’ packages.

To begin, Log in to your Robomotion workspace. If you haven't registered yet, you can create your workspace from the provided link.

About the Number Package

The number package consists of 5 nodes. In this package, you will find five essential nodes: 'Assign', 'To String', 'Decrement', 'Increment', and 'Random'. The Number package is a powerful toolset designed to run and simplify basic number operations in your programming workflow. As its name suggests, this package focuses on fundamental numeric tasks, providing a collection of nodes that enable efficient handling and manipulation of numerical data.

Building Blocks for Successful Flow

  • To use the 'Assign' node and the 'To String' node, it is necessary to install the 'Number' package.

  • You can obtain the 'Number' package by accessing the 'Packages' menu and initiating the download from there.

Menu of Packages

Packages download page

About 'Assign' Node Inputs

  • The value must be entered in the Value data box
  • The output of ''Assign” node is variable type of number.

 Details of ‘Assign’ Node Inputs

About 'To String' Node Inputs

  • Make sure to enter the output value of the 'Assign' node into the Number data field.

  • The output of the 'To String' node is of the string variable type.

Details of ‘To String’ Node Inputs

Flow Steps

  1. ‘Inject’ node is used to initialize the flow.
  2. Use the 'Assign' node to assign a numerical value.
  3. Use the 'To String' node to convert a number into a string.‘To String’ node is used to convert number to string.
  4. Stop the flow using the 'Stop' node.

Convert Number To String  Flow

Here you can access the complete flow by clicking on the following link: